
Our Verification process is the key to a seamless customer service in your customer contact center. The Digital Assistant has the ability to safely and efficiently verify essential customer data, enabling your organization and customer service team to shine from the very first contact.

The absence of a proper verification process can lead to frustration, service delays, and even security risks as customers can't be sure of the legitimacy of the call. Verification enables our Digital Assistant to ask customers for their name, address details, and customer number to provide personalized and efficient customer service.

Unlock the Power of Verification

Customers feel heard and valued when efficiently assisted.

Prompt Assistance

Verification speeds up the service, ensuring customers receive answers and solutions promptly.

Improved Experience

Security and Privacy

Customers know their data is secure, increasing trust in your organization.

Verification in Practice

ANWB Unigarant, teamed up with AssistYou to create Lisa, a Digital Assistant. Lisa hosts, verifies and directs customers to the right team quickly, making interactions smoother and more efficient.

Request your demo

Are you curious about the power of our digital assistant and want to experience how it can transform your organization? Don't hesitate to request a demo and I will show you!