What is intelligent call routing and how does it work?

Welcome to our guide on intelligent call routing (ICR). But what exactly is ICR, and how does it work? In essence, ICR is a system that directs incoming customer calls to the most relevant employee. This can be done using various factors such as the caller's history or and specific needs. This technology is designed to upgrade the customer service by ensuring that customers are quickly connected to the right departments and employees.

Are you interested in learning how ICR can improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer service costs? Continue reading to explore the benefits! 

What is call routing?

Call routing in customer service is the process of directing incoming calls to the right employee who can best help the caller’s needs. The system uses information from the caller to identify the purpose of the call and determine which department and agent is most suited to solve the questionnaire. This ensures that customers are connected to the right agent and improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the customer support journey. 

ICR takes this a step further by integrating with other technologies, such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) software and Automatic Call Distribution (ACD). Traditional IVR systems interact with callers through inputs to gather information, while ACD systems automatically distribute calls to available agents. When combined with ICR, these technologies improve efficiency and help streamline the customer service. Furthermore, it decreases costs associated with customer support departments. Of course, in addition to traditional IVR systems, there are also newer versions such as a voicebot. Where the caller no longer receives a menu with options, but can answer the question in one sentence and be directed to the right employee straight away. 

How does an intelligent call routing system work?

Intelligent call routing (ICR) is an advanced system designed to optimize the process of connecting customers with the right employees. Here's a brief overview of the key components of an ICR system:

1. Gather data

The ICR system collects a wide range of customer data, including caller ID, location, reason for the call, and previous interactions. This information helps the system accurately identify the customer's needs and ensures that they are directed to the right employee. By gathering all this relevant information, the system can make informed decisions, leading to better customer service and increases customer satisfaction. 

2. Analyse and match

Next, once the data is collected, the ICR system analyzes the data using predefined rules and searches for the right employee. Once the system evaluates the information and the matches are made, the caller is redirected to the most suitable agent based on their expertise and availability. For example, a caller with a question about billing will be routed to an agent specialized in billing, while a caller with a technical issue will be directed to an employee specialized in tech. This analysis ensures that customers receive efficient and effective customer support. 

3. Route and connect

After analyzing the data and matching the caller with the most relevant employee, the ICR system routes the call to that employee.

The system also accounts for more complex questions, these are directed to more experienced employees. Simpler inquiries might be handled by first-line agents, and more complex questions by second-line support. This precise way of routing improves the customer support journey and enhances customer satisfaction. 

Intelligent call routing: 4 benefits

Intelligent call routing (ICR) offers several advantages for both customers and customer support teams. Below, four key benefits of ICR are outlined, once again showing it enhances the overall customer service experience.

1. Improves the first contact with customers

Intelligent call routing (ICR) makes a positive impression on customers by offering a personalized touch instead of a one-size-fits-all solution. Welcoming greetings and initial information gathering make customers feel valued from the start. By understanding the customer's needs immediately, ICR can direct them to the most suitable employee. This fast redirecting of customers to the right person will set a positive tone for the rest of the interaction. 

2. Increases agent efficiency

Routing calls based on certain skill-sets of employees allows them to assist callers more effectively. This reduces repetitive tasks and ensures that agents handle inquiries within their expertise, further enhancing productivity. With fewer interruptions and purely challenging and complex tasks, agents can focus on delivering quality support.

3. Reduces wait times

Intelligent call routing (ICR) reduces waiting times by distributing calls more efficiently. By using AI to gather relevant information, the system can quickly identify the caller's needs and direct them to the most relevant agent without any delays. This streamlined process helps customers receive quick and effective assistance, improving their overall experience.

4. Increases customer satisfaction

Furthermore, ICR enhances customer satisfaction by making sure callers are connected to the right agent with the appropriate knowledge. By redirecting correctly, customers are helped more efficiently and less frustrated. Long wait times are reduced and customers are not transferred several times before getting real help. By delivering this fast, accurate, and personalized service, ICR helps build customer loyalty and positive relationships with customers. 

In addition to these four benefits, there is of course the advantage that it is no longer necessary to make various choices in order to speak to an employee. An IVR menu can sometimes take up to a minute and a half and can cause lots of frustrations. With newer versions like the voicebot, the customer can state their question in one sentence, and based on their question they are connected to the right employee. 

Do I need an intelligent call routing system for my business?

Intelligent call routing (ICR) is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations. Each type of business faces unique customer support challenges that ICR can effectively address. Let's explore how ICR can benefit small businesses and enterprises, and examine the cost saving benefit of implementing such a system.

Small businesses

For small businesses, it can be more challenging to provide great customer service due to limited resources and smaller customer support teams. ICR helps small businesses by:

  • Optimizing resources: ICR ensures that each call is directed to the right agent, maximizing the efficiency of a smaller support team.

  • Personalized service: Small businesses can create a more personalized customer experience by leveraging ICR to understand and meet individual customer needs.

  • Scalability: As small businesses grow, ICR systems can scale to handle increasing call volumes without compromising service quality.


Large enterprises often deal with high call volumes and complex customer service requirements. ICR offers several benefits for these organizations, including:

  • Efficient call management: ICR helps manage large volumes of calls by routing them based on agent expertise and availability, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Enhanced agent performance: By matching calls to the most qualified agents, ICR ensures that customer inquiries are resolved quickly and accurately.

  • Integration with existing systems: Enterprises can integrate ICR with other call center technologies like IVR and ACD to further streamline their customer support processes.

Common customer support challenges solved by ICR

Businesses of all sizes face common customer support challenges that ICR can address, including:

  • High call volumes: ICR efficiently manages and distributes calls, reducing the weight on customer support teams and minimizing customer wait times.

  • Complex inquiries: By routing calls to agents with the right expertise, ICR ensures that complex customer issues are handled effectively and efficiently.

  • Resource allocation: ICR optimizes resource use by directing calls to the most suitable agents, improving overall efficiency.

Cost-benefit analysis of implementing ICR

Implementing an intelligent call routing (ICR) system involves initial setup costs, including software, integration, and training expenses. However, the benefits of ICR often outweigh these costs:

  • Cost savings: ICR can help reduce customer service costs by improving agent efficiency and reducing the time spent on each call. The employee also immediately knows about the reason for the call. This saves a lot of time and ensures interactions can be handled faster.  

  • Increased revenue: Improved customer satisfaction and quicker resolution times can lead to higher customer retention and increased sales.

  • Enhanced productivity: With ICR, agents can handle more calls effectively, reducing the need for engaging excess employees, lowering operational costs.

Overall, ICR offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes, helping them overcome customer support challenges and improving the customer service quality and efficiency.

Extra tip: 7 best practices for migration to an ICR system

When transitioning to ICR in your customer service operations, following best practices is crucial for a smooth and successful migration. Below, we outline the best practices to ensure ICR implementation goes smoothly:

1. Identify business goals

Identifying your business goals is the first and most important step in switching to ICR. It is important to have clear objectives that guide the setup of the ICR system. In addition, data on customer interactions needs to be collected to adjust the ICR to improve the customer experience. Examples of business objectives aligned with ICR include reducing customer service costs, increasing first contact resolution, and enhancing customer satisfaction. When outlining these objectives, take into account that these should be measurable, so reflecting in the future is possible. 

2. Segment the customer base

Segmenting the customer base allows for more personalized and effective service. Different customer segments, such as higher-value customers, lower-value customers, and mid-market customers, have different needs and wants. By identifying these segments, services can be personalized and top-clients can be prioritized. Using segmentation based on several requirements improves overall satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Streamline the communication process

A streamlined communication process is extremely important for efficient and effective customer service. Integrating different communication channels and systems ensures that both callers and agents have access to the right information and solutions. This integration leads to faster resolution times, reduced errors, and a more cohesive customer experience.

4. Assign agent resources based on skill

In order to assign customers to the right agents, each agent’s hard and soft skills need to be assessed. By mapping the skills of employees, there can be determined which calls they are best suited to handle. Matching calls with employees that are best suited and most qualified ensures customer issues are resolved efficiently and effectively. For instance, technical questions should go to employees with technical expertise. While questions about billing should be sent to employees with financial knowledge. 

5. Don’t lose focus

Staying focused on your core business objectives is essential during the migration to ICR. Avoid getting distracted by other initiatives, and remain focussed on implementing ICR the correct way. Other initiatives will try to divert resources and attention, but it's important to focus on the primary goal of improving customer service through ICR once committed. 

6. Prioritize customer experience

Prioritizing the customer experience is key to the success of intelligent call routing (ICR). Implement feedback mechanisms to monitor customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Regularly reviewing and listening to customer feedback will help the ICR system meet customer needs and enhance their overall experience. 

7. Measure and evaluate KPIs

Measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial to understand the impact of ICR on your customer service. Continuous evaluation and developing helps maintain the effectiveness of your ICR system. Examples of important KPIs include first contact resolution, call hold time, call abandonment rates, and IVR transitions. Monitoring these metrics allows for data driven decisions and optimizes the ICR system. 

By following these best practices, businesses can ensure a successful transition to ICR, with results being improved customer service, increased efficiency, and higher customer satisfaction.

Integrate ICR in your customer service with AssistYou

Intelligent call routing (ICR) is a powerful tool that offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes. By optimizing the process of connecting customers with the right support agents, ICR improves the first contact with customers. Moreover, it ensures a positive and personalized experience. It also increases agent efficiency by routing calls based on skills and reduces wait times by distributing calls more efficiently.

Implementing ICR can address common customer support challenges and provide measurable improvements by using KPIs. Overall, ICR is a valuable investment for any business looking to upgrade their customer service operations and achieve better outcomes for both customers and employees. 

Frequently asked questions about intelligent call routing

What is intelligent routing?

Intelligent routing (IR) is an advanced system that routes calls, messages or data to the most appropriate resource or agent based on real-time analysis of various factors. These factors can include customer information, agent skills and current workload. By optimizing the distribution process, intelligent routing increases efficiency, reduces waiting times and improves overall customer satisfaction.

What is the difference between IVR and ICR?

IVR (interactive voice response) allows callers to interact with a telephone system using voice commands or keypad input to navigate menus. Intelligent call routing (ICR) takes this a step further by analyzing caller data and routing calls to the most appropriate agent or department based on specific criteria. While IVR provides automated responses, ICR ensures personalized and efficient call handling, improving the customer experience.

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